
Aren't we all constantly constantly constantly under construction!?!?!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just thoughts...that need 2 leave my head ;-)

"you ever had just one of those days??"

So recently, I just posted a "vent" blog concerning my accident that happened in October. I have been trying to deal with my feelings concerning what happened off and on so I guess technically this is going to be another vent type blog.
1. Since being hurt, playing the piano for hours and hours doesn't quite cut it. I can't sit in that position for tooo long. That sucks because piano is one of the ways the I truly escape.
2. Dancing-(praise)/(regular): takes a lot out of me. I have to rest up for a very long time after i praise dance in church. The last time i danced in church i was laid up in bed for a good week<<< thats crazy. I used to be the hype one, the one that tried to do flips and what not lol. Now I need a back brace and some muscle rub when its over.
3. EXERCISE= negativo. Docs/specialist say do not do anything that hurts in terms of exercising- so grant it just about your basic stretching reallly hurts so i'm like WHAT CAN I DO.
4. I work with kids so i need to be at my best at all times with kids there is really no time to be 50 percent you know. Most of the time I'm not 100 percent i don't really have time to get to that point.
5. One thing that really gets me is that i suffered something terrible this past winter and i dreamed of warmer weather because i thought it would help ease the pain. Why did i not factor in fans/air conditioners as having the same affect on my body as if it were cold/wintery outside. WHY does it seems like the fans/air conditioners are 20 times worse. I JUST DONT KNOW.

side bar- i miss writing poetry or at least my version of it. I haven't really written anything/ shown it to other people since my friend Chris was shot and killed/ and then I got hurt. I wish that I could tap into the side of myself again and not be afraid to share it. My words have power and I want to edify people.

~I miss that good ole paper and pin~

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21 and a servant of God! Preacher-teacher-musician, wana be poet!:)